The Blue Sun Yoga Progressive Training goes deeper into the subtle layers of yoga through our unique life experiences, starting from a deep connection to our authentic self. The module format is designed so that each trainee can co-create a program designed to honor and satisfy their dharma. In conjunction with a 200-hour certificate, students can register for the RYT 500 designation.

The 300-hour certification is fulfilled by choosing 3 modules.
The Heart of the Student is required. 2 additional modules must be chosen for certification and are selected based on your interests. Additional classes and work vary with each module and can be completed at your own pace.
Each module will be offered at least once per year. Investment is approximately $3600 - $4000 total depending on the modules chosen.
Discounts are given for BSY 200-hour graduates.
The Heart of the Student
with Wendy Dahl
Therapeutic Applications and Process: Posture, Feet, Hips and Shoulders
April 8th - 11th, 2021
Thursday - Saturday: 11 - 5 PM, Sunday 10 - 4 PM
**this training will be offered virtually and in -person**
Therapeutic Applications: Knees, Elbows, Wrists, Neck, Case Studies
November 13th - 15th, 2020
Friday - Sunday: 9 AM - 5 PM
***Additional contact hours (workshops and classes) and homework apply, to be scheduled independently.
This module takes your 200-hour training to the next level. Subjects are similar, but content is much more comprehensive and includes an emphasis on:
applied anatomy and physiology, adjustments, asana therapeutics, working with specific conditions, teaching methodology, sequencing, staying true to our dharma, the business of yoga, pranayama, meditation, philosophy, lifestyle and ethics. Investment for both immersions and individual contact hours is $1800 - $2000.
~ The best teachers are really the best students. ~
The Heart of the Spirit
with Wendy Dahl and Bette Plass
January 28th - 31st, 2021
Thursday - Saturday 11 - 5 PM, Sunday 10 - 4 PM
Yoga is a life long connection that can be practiced with each breath through mindfulness and sustainable movements. This learning module is a celebration of the aging process, which starts in your 20’s! Because our bodies are always changing, awareness is paramount in the aging and healing process. We will restore the view of aging as a challenge, the importance of our relationship to our bodies, and tap into the wisdom gained from our body through time. Redefine the aging process by empowering yourself with options, awareness and grace.
Content includes:
~ anatomy and physiology of aging ~ meditation ~ restorative, gentle and chair yoga
~ methods for nurturing yourself ~ coping with pain ~ self massage
~ developing a sustainable home practice ~ learning and teaching how to successfully modify yoga poses
The hours count towards continuing education credits (CEU’s) and the Blue Sun Yoga 300-hour Teacher Training Program. (**For the 300 hour program additional contact hours (workshops and classes) and homework apply, to be scheduled independently.) Investment $900 - $1000.
Days can be attended individually if space permits. Just ask!
The Heart of the Resilience
with Wendy Dahl, Patricia Lutz and Margot Andersen
December 10th - 13th, 2020
Thursday - Saturday: 1 - 7 PM, Sunday 11 - 5 PM
***Additional contact hours (workshops and classes) and homework apply, to be scheduled independently.
Adversity and challenge are a given in life; all of us experience illness, loss, trauma, vulnerability, shame, sadness, pain, as well as parenting and relationship struggles. While falling down is part of life, getting back up is living! Resilience is the ability to bounce back after life's inevitable challenges and connecting with, and remembering the backdrop of joy that always resides. Research in neuroscience demonstrates that resilience skills can be taught and learned. Please join us for these informative learning and experiential workshops where you will learn about, and practice, various elements of resilience in order to help yourself and others survive and thrive during adversity. This module has 3 main components of study, listed below.
Coping with Pain: This segment will focus on various meditation techniques and yoga practices with relationship to working with chronic pain. Discussions will include the Brain Pain Matrix, common chronic pain conditions, and pain processing. Enjoy learning meditation practices, gentle yoga, restorative yoga and yoga nidra to support forgiveness and loving kindness of the body and mind.
Emotional Connection: Session II will focus on understanding emotional states (anxiety, depression, OCD, compulsive thinking, addictions, PTSD, sexual trauma, Early Attachment Theory, shame, freeze, collapse, grief and loss) and the impact of therapeutic yoga as well as the neuroscience that supports meditation and mindfulness as healing practices. Learn how yoga and mindfulness can create distance from being fused with thoughts and emotions by practicing self acceptance, letting go, self compassion, loving kindness and forgiveness on and off our mats.
Post Traumatic Growth: This segment will focus on learning and practicing skills of mindfulness, resilience, post traumatic growth, listening and radical self acceptance. We will explore how to train your brain from conditioned knee jerk responses to higher-level choices as well as understanding the neuroscience behind how mindfulness and meditation de-stressing practices create resilience.
*** See Margot's bio for more information!
The Heart of the Teacher
TBD 2020
Indian Paintbrush Ranch, Lake George, Colorado **more info on retreat tab
This module is a yoga and meditation retreat experience focusing on reflection, connection, fellowship, networking, collaboration and healing. Yoga invites us not to become something or someone else, but to connect more fully to ourselves. This retreat addresses how we can skillfully navigate comtempory yoga while staying true to ourselves by unifying our dharma and authentic teachings. Self actualized beings must be what they can be. This is a reflective experience designed to hold space and support you in getting back to your center, refining your intentions of practice and teaching, and moving forward with clearer vision. Practice for your students, teach for yourself.
The Heart of Community
Mentorship program with Wendy and others…..
Required Readings: Dependant on module chosen.
Application: Personal interview to establish the path unique to you!
Blue Sun Yoga is a Registered Yoga School (RYS).
Successful completion of this program qualifies students for the RYT 300 Registration yielding RYT 500.